Places In the USA You Can Travel With Your Dog

Travel With Your Dog

Vacations are one of the greatest opportunities to just get away from it all and recharge. Including all the members of your family for a vacation are great. But, what about the dog? You just know that you are going to regret leaving them after those sad puppy dog eyes wouldn’t leave you alone. Here’s some exciting news for you. You can take your dog along with you on vacation at these x places.

Travel With Your Dog

  1. Run on the Beaches in San Diego, California

The sunny beaches of California are one of the greatest destinations. Your dog will surely love it, too. There is a dog-friendly terrace and free homemade dog biscuits are handed out at the Patio on Lamont at Pacific Beach. Dogs love to go for a run. Be aware that there are other furry creatures running around, so make sure that your dog is friendly with other furry pets. Take some fun selfies with your pet and make memories. 

  1. Dogs Can Swim in the Waves at Key West, Florida

Everyone, including furry animals, should experience what a vacation in Florida is like. Some fun activities to do with your dog are taking a walk on the dog-friendly beach, go for a kayak ride, and eat some fresh seafood at Nine One Five Bistro. One of the best parts about traveling for dogs is that they get to see the world with you. Have you ever wanted to go for a swim with your dog? Jump through the waves on the beaches of Florida and enjoy your vacation. 

  1. Explore Washington, D.C

Washington D.C is filled to the brim with fun activities on your vacation. It may not be a good idea to bring your dog up all those stairs in the Washington Monument or to be visit cultural institutes, but here is a good idea so no furry animal gets left behind. Take your dog for a walk around Montrose Park or Shadow Dog Park. These off-leash experiences around the lake are a valuable experience. It’s also a great way to sightsee and observe the many historical monuments of the city from across the beautiful lake. 

  1. Visit the Dog Establishments in The Black Hills, South Dakota

Take your dog for a run through the forests in The Black Hills. Be aware that there are restricted areas where dogs cannot venture to, but you’re in for a great vacation. There are a few little establishments for dogs such as Hill City. Dogs are not allowed to taste wine, but it’s good news for you that your dog is allowed to sit outside on the patio and enjoy the view at Naked Winery Tasting Room. Enjoy the experience and the quality time with your furry friend.

  1. Go to the Beaches in Nantucket, Massachusetts

Nantucket, Massachusetts is a great vacation destination. A multitude of sandy beaches stretches along the coast. These beaches are dog-friendly. If your dog has never experienced a beach in their life because all the beaches back home ban dogs, they are going to love you for the rest of their lives. Run on the beach, swim through the waves, and relax under the sun. 

  1. Enjoy the Boardwalks of Asbury Park, Jersey Shore, New Jersey

Visiting the Jersey Shore is the ultimate destination point for you and your family. A boardwalk of fun activities, stores, and delicious snacks stretches on for miles across the beach. Dogs can spend time at the beach, enjoy a special Doggie Yappie Hour just for them, and be spoiled with all the dog treats they want. Make that vacation something special. Going on a vacation to the Jersey Shore is one of the greatest adventures. 

Dogs are a man’s best friend and an animal that can comfortably battle for bro rights with the Mrs. and best friends at work. It’s time to go on that business trip you’ve been looking forward to, and all you can think of is how much fun you and your dog buddy Rex are going to have. 

One problem pops up; however, how exactly are we going to enter the United States properly without being hassled? Three words get your ESTA! You can get your ESTA by going to the ESTA website and applying for your personalized ESTA Visa USA; this is one of the safest things to do.

All you have to do is fill in the application form present on the website and do so with as much honesty and accuracy as you can muster.  Once you are done filling the form, you wait for a maximum 48 hours before you will get a response in your working e-mail address as to whether you got your ESTA. If for some reason you haven’t been furnished with your ESTA after the said 48 hours you can revisit the website and click on the ESTA Visa Check. Once you have your ESTA in the bag, you are good to go! The United States of America is the land of diversity and one of the numerous cultures. However, it has an intense security presence, ensure you do not fall afoul to the law by getting your ESTA.